DDDD (Daily Dense Dance Desiderio)
- Riccardo Benassi Creative Risk-Taker

DDDD (Daily Dense Dance Desiderio)
A fearless approach to innovation, where bold ideas and unconventional thinking drive progress entails taking many risks. this path embraces uncertainty, challenges norms, and sees failure as a step toward success, pushing boundaries to discover groundbreaking solutions.
“Daily Dense Dance Desiderio” by Riccardo Benassi makes us dance conceptually, introducing a world of techno-thoughts to reflect on the ecstatic and trance-like moments of collective practices with a conceptual, digital and monochromatic work. As a creative risk-taker, Benassi knows that perils lie on the pathsof the deepest expressions. From humans to machines, from reality to virtuality—risks must be taken, and a position must be chosen to create the most enlightened experience. He achieves this by manipulating live music, releasing an uninterrupted sequence of short thoughts that seem to emanate from dancing bodies, as if they were a single collective mind.
On November 2nd at 8PM, artist Riccardo Benassi will perform live within his installation.